Rabid Dog Don Attacks Another Woman – A Sonoran Truth Editorial

First it was Lori Hart and her high school students and now Rabid Dog Don attacks stunning Cave Creek businesswoman Kim Brennan. One can’t help but wonder if Kim rebuffed the toothless dog’s advances so he trashed her in his paper.

Truth is, Kim has done wonders for Cave Creek. Candidly, she’d make a great Mayor. Her honesty would be refreshing after the 12 years of “Buddhist Bookie” BS from Francia. Kim is well liked and well respected by the local business community which makes her a threat to Sorchych —where nobody can move, breathe, or use the bathroom without Don’s approval.

Don calls his awful hit piece “editorial” on Kim Brennan being a watchdog.  Don confuses sewage with journalism. Any similarity between this piece of “work” and journalism is strictly coincidental.  Don writes like a third grader. His thoughts are disconnected, incoherently strung together in rambling senile sentences.  Many wonder about his mental stability when reading his wildly concocted stories about his past.

But this infantile hit piece on Brennan is so over the top it deserves an award– the Dogpoop Don award for journalistic sewage.

What’s the point in savaging Brennan?  Apparently Don perceives Kim as a threat. He doesn’t understand that when he writes trash about Kim, he exposes his fear which is why he denigrates her at every opportunity. Since this is the only language Don understands, we regretfully must speak in his tongue.

Obviously Kim is far more hip and well connected making her a much better face for the Town and the Chamber of Commerce than Don or his buddy Vince could ever be.

It seems ever clearer to us that Don is a misogynist, the worst kind of bully, because Don specializes in savaging women and young girls.  No one with an ounce of integrity would savage a young school girl like Don did in his hit piece on Lori Hart’s high school student. But he obviously takes great pride in this kind of trash because he does it so often.  To the rest of us, it reveals a mean streak a mile wide exposing Don as a vile and vicious, old man.

Our community, our young people and children need to be encouraged, not denigrated and excoriated.   But Don doesn’t get it.  Judging from his extreme disparagement of the child, he must have been just a wonderful encouraging parent.  He seems to be  so proud of how he savaged this young girl.

Up until now, no one has called Don’s editorial hit pieces garbage. But that’s exactly what they are…..garbage. Hebets said long ago that Don was psychotic.  To be fair, Don does have his sycophants:  The Sorchych Sycophants.

Sorchych and his sycophants are despised in Cave Creek. Town Hall can’t wait until Don checks out and Don doesn’t even suspect it.

Don likes to fashion himself a “watch dog” but Cave Creek sees a hyena vomiting carrion at every opportunity in “My View”.  Don’s narcissism is blatant and totally self serving. If he isn’t attacking his neighbors or someone else he perceives as threatening, then he’s pounding his self serving drum. You can be sure Don looks out for Don above all else.  There isn’t a civic bone in his body as the editorial of Brennan illustrates.

Don, as they say,  if you don’t like it, go back to where you came from! For him, that’s DePue, Ill. Or is it DePew because the stink of Sorchych sewage in “My View” is hard to get rid of.

The Editor



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