Our View: Vote for Honesty and Transparency

A Sonoran Truth Editorial Opinion

According to the Sonoran News website, Sorchych started the paper as a “community watchdog,” dedicated to exposing corrupt and unethical business and political practices. Don’s view is that anyone who disagrees him or his skewered moral compass is corrupt and unethical.

Sorchych pursues a “scorched earth” strategy. In order to gain hegemony in the Town, he was initially anti-growth and catered / seduced the likes of Grace Meeth, Shea Stanfield, and Anna Marsolo. Francia and Abujbarah quickly realized that sucking up to Sorchych insured political longevity. They learned how to dance to Don’s tune.

But the corruption and incompetence of Cave Creek’s current Council and management cannot be hidden from the voters of Cave Creek. Sorchych knows it. His latest news “articles” demonstrate his desperation. He obviously feels threatened with his imminent loss of control of the Town Council.

Don has always talked through both sides of his mouth. He flip flops more than Kerry, claiming to hate Arpaio and MCSO then changing his tune to call Joe the finest Sheriff in the country. He flipped flopped on property taxes. Poor Don, he can’t make up his mind which way to flip, flop twist and turn.  But then, sociopaths don’t have very good logic.

Anna Marsolo used to be Don’s go to girl. Whenever Don didn’t like a development project, Anna was ready, willing and able to file a referendum. But Don and Anna parted company over Wal Mart. Anna showed her integrity and her commitment to the core values of Cave Creek. Don true to his sociopathic personality, sold Cave Creek down the stream of mind numbing suburban conformity. So long as Don can call the shots, Cave Creek can look like the slums of Chicago, close to his hometown of Depue, Illinois.

Don claims the Town Council opponents are a slate but the real slate is the current incumbents—all of them hand picked to do nothing but comply with the Will of Abujbarah. Don doesn’t argue issues, he slanders character. He questions Mike Chutz because he’s from Pittsburgh and Adam Trenk because he’s from New Jersey as if Don descended from Heaven strumming his Harp. Don hails from Illinois, the home of Al Capone, Mayor Daley, Dan Rostenkowski, Rod Blagojevich and Barry Obama.

Predictably, Don ran to his friend at MCSO to “prosecute” whomever he can find that sent his own articles.  He never does any of his own dirty work. He always uses Usama in Town Hall or his buddy Capt. Rich Burden at the Cave Creek MCSO station.

Donny whines like a little boy about all the challengers and how they are to be scorned. The idea that Baxley needs MCSO to protect their collusion for a violation of the open meeting act is ludicrous. MCSO ought to prosecuting this…not protecting it.

If you remember, Sorchych had his neighbor on the front page of his newspaper for several issues for taking down political signs on his own driveway (a half mile into a private drive) during just such a political meeting for Senator Barto. Why? Because he hates Nancy Barto and decided to harass every guest on his neighbor’s driveway by yelling at them and taking incessant pictures.  When the neighbor called MCSO to put a stop to this harassment Sorchych called his friend Rich Burden once again to get the tables turned.  MCSO’s Capt. Burden was only too happy to oblige.

This is what we call corruption. Pure Chicago style cronyism.

This is the same Capt. Burden that took pictures of a fire in Cave Creek and gave them to the Sonoran News for attribution by Burden. No one else could get near the scene but Burden did it for his friend Sorchych using his official position as an MCSO Captain.

If MCSO was clean, Internal Affairs would shut down this alliance between Burden and Sorchych. But Arpaio is on the verge of indictment or being recalled. What lengths will Capt. Burden go to for his friend Don Sorchych? Maybe Burden is spiffing Sorchych for Arpaio?

We’re so tired of Sorchych claiming others should be prosecuted when its Don who needs to die behind bars. If we remember correctly, he even said he sent a letter regarding one of his unbalanced stands on the School District to his friends at MCSO to be “dusted” for fingerprints.

And what about his article dealing with the financial mess created by the wild spending for the water company? He denigrates the good citizens who had the temerity to ask questions about this mess.  It’s another infantile article, filled with animosity but devoid of substance.

The Town debt is $63M. There is no $3.4M surplus.  The Town either cooks the books or does a bad job at keeping them because the huge interest payment ate up $1.0 Million right off the bat. Why are they sitting on the remainder? Do they have undisclosed liabilities they aren’t telling us to make sure the incumbents get elected? Is the Pope Catholic? Shouldn’t surplus funds be used to pay down the debt?

Sorchych has defended the wild spending for the water company from the beginning.  He’s exclaimed how it’s the “right” thing to do as if he has any sense of personal integrity in his own financial debts. He has outstanding judgments against him as a result of court rulings, yet he refuses to pay even when judgments have been lodged against him and his property. His record demonstrates his lack of professional integrity, character and personal responsibility, all in an effort to escape obligations the law has levied against him.

Why would any voter in this Town listen to a dead beat like Don? It’s time to tell the truth in Cave Creek. It’s time for transparency at Town Hall and it starts with throwing out the Council, firing Abujbarah and finding out how bad the town is really hemorrhaging. Hopefully Francis will resign in iconic disgrace.

Too many lies. Too many half-truths. Too many actions occurring in opaqueness. First things First. Get rid of the incumbents on Town Council whose loyalty is to Sorchych for getting them elected so Abujbarah and Francia can run Cave Creek into the ground without interference.

Their track record is indicative of the harm they have caused our community.

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