The Cost of Sorchych

A Sonoran Truth Editorial Opinion June 20, 2013

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Cave Creek was great until Dog poop Don Sorchych came to Town and turned a “live and let live” community into another Serbia. The puppet master has lost his boy, Pinocchio and now he’s pissed.

Red, White and Blue—Usama, Cave Creek and the Sonoran News. That’s Don’s view. Our view is that Don is evil, and needs to die in jail. Usama is an ex-con who is anything but pro-democracy. According to the State Bar of Arizona, Usama’s hot shot kid Nasser was disbarred in June, 2011 and ordered to pay restitution in March, 2013.

That acorn did not fall far from the tree.

With Francia and Birnbaum’s Mariscal Weeks, they ran the Town like Tammany Hall. Usama admitted that its better to have Don Sorchych for a friend than an enemy. A lot of people in Cave Creek have compromised their moral compass to avoid the poison pen of Dog poop Don.

Now that Usama has been fired, sort of like Germany after Hitler, Don can no longer find out how many FOIA requests are being made!  Sorchych reported every request when Usama was pipe-lining Town business to Dog shit. But now that “the King” is gone (how fitting that Don’s editorial is replete with a castle), Don can only bloviate—but that’s all Don ever does is blather about nothing. He hasn’t had an original idea in his life.

So Donny Dog poop’s evil plan is to double down and go after Carrie and see if Reg will “cross over.” Don still has the poison. He’s got feeble Francia, Bunch and McGuire in his front pocket. Will Reg will swing? We don’t think so.

Does Carrie save Cave Creek money or simply keep Don in charge? The Truth believes that the true cost to Cave Creek is far more than just an interim salary to Rodney Glassman. The Truth believes that the damage done by Vince, Don, and Usama is so egregious that they will do everything and anything to conceal it.

Don is a coward who masks his inadequacy by being a bully. When he doesn’t get his way, he excoriates and denigrates every person he can. Currently, Don is not getting his way no matter how many letters of praise he writes to himself under assumed names. With delusions of grandeur, Don prints these dog shit letters every week but thinks the community hasn’t caught on. Yeah right, and we believe in the Easter Bunny too.

When Don needs reinforcements, there’s the “Dog Poop Zombies,” a pitiful puppet show of John Hoeppner, Terry Smith, Janet Mohr and others who trot out to say their scripts or write letters to the editor…but their comments are always choreographed by Don. These folks believe that if they stuck their head in the sand, no one could see them.

This week Dog Poop Don tries to make the best of Usama’s bragging that he was in a tougher jail than anything run by Arpaio. Usama bragged about it in the Az. Republic article written by Ropp. Usama claims that he was in prison for being pro democracy. Really? What part of your running Cave Creek over the last 15 years was pro-democracy  Usama? Don’s rattling his phony saber that Usama is going to litigate. Big whoop. It’s Usama who should be worried. We’ve got the goods on Usama. Usama can be Donny’s snitch in Arpaio’s jail.

Usama was considered a tyrannical dictator by former town staff. Town employees with moral conviction disappeared.

Usama is just a materialist. Money, money, money. Like father, like son. If your son’s ethical compass is so askew who should we look to? His mother? In a Middle Eastern Islamic home? We’re thinking NO.

We issue this challenge to both Sorchych and his Pinocchio puppet Usama Abujbarah:  Provide us proof. Send us an email of with attachments of documents from his so-called death row imprisonment in Jordan.  Send us official papers that show what his crime was and how long he was on ‘death’ row for being pro-democracy. Then show us the documentation that Amnesty International got him off death row for being pro-democracy.  Death row in Jordan for being pro-democracy?    Give us a break.  Jordan is the United States’ closest ally in the Mideast.

In the meantime, us peasants will continue to storm the castle. Neither Don, nor Usama, nor Vince, nor anyone else will stop us. We believe in an idea and ideas are the most dangerous weapon on this planet. We want to clean out the corruption in Cave Creek. We want transparency. We want fiscal responsibility. We want to eradicate cronyism- so that all are treated equally. That’s pro-democracy and that’s hardly what Usama has done at the helm of Cave Creek.

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