An Open Letter to Philip Haldiman

A Sonoran Truth Editorial, July 1, 2013

Dear Phil:

Most of us started out attempting to talk to Dog poop Don Sorchych as if he was a normal rational person. As you may know, the clinical definition of insanity is expecting a different result from the same action. Should you continue to contact Sorchych expecting a normal conversation, well, you might wish to seek professional help.

We have re-blogged your writing and find it objective to a fault. Candidly, we think you’ve been far too kind and gracious to some within the halls of Cave Creek, but this may be more a reflection of your writing style and personality than your perception.

As for the money spent to elect antagonistic candidates to Don’s hegemony: the question that begets asking is how much effort in time, money, and networking resources does it take to overcome the Sorchych propaganda machine? The answer apparently is $45,000. That’s a lot of money for a small town election, but that speaks more to the divisiveness Don causes in Cave Creek than it does to some devious design by four brave and stalwart individuals willing to risk the ridicule and innuendo slung about in the Sonoran News.

Make no mistake, Usama was “Donny’s boy,” which is why Don lavishes such praise on a criminal.   Usama made his bed with Sorchych. As ye sow, so shall ye reap. We don’t think the “Out to Lunch Bunch” has figured out the ramifications of their behavior over the last ten years where they alienated enough mini neighborhoods and special interest groups to get thrown out of office. By the time recall rolls around, there will be enough filth and dirt exposed by Glassman and others that Usama would best put his house on the market and look for employment far, far away. Some place where his prior alignment with Sorchych will not be a detraction– if that’s possible in today’s connected world.

Last but not least, after all these years of calling his neighbors and area residents thieves, whores, prostitutes, drug addicts, liars, and criminals in the name of “free speech,” it’s now libel for Don to be labeled likewise. Apparently Dog poop can dish it out but he can’t take it. We look forward to reading who is writing these attacks on Don, and their funding, and their judicial track record, though it seems others have linked to us in trashing Don and his sycophants:

Phil- get your paper to pitch Cave Creek to become the Town’s official newspaper. Don’s deal with Gila Bend is a joke. Cave Creek can become a mecca for young influential men and women in the Valley and deserves the professionalism of the Arizona Republic as the Town’s Official Newspaper, not a racist rag like the Sonoran News. Thanks.

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