A Sonoran Truth Editorial, October 2, 2013.
We strongly urge all our readers to read Scott Dahne’s article in the Desert Foothills Chronicle on Morning Star, Sara Vannucci’s editorial and the letters to the editor to get a glimpse of the wrongdoings orchestrated by former Town Manager, Usama Abujbarah.
Usama’s wrongdoings however, cannot be measured by a tally of costs to taxpayers. Usama’s wrongdoings, promulgated by a need to stay on the right side of Sorchych to keep his job, cost the citizens of Cave Creek inalienable rights protected by our Constitution.
We are offended by Sorchych waving the flag and asking for contributions to keep the Sonoran News afloat when Don is the proximate cause for constraining Constitutional rights to citizens in Cave Creek. For fourteen years, citizens of Cave Creek lived under a reign of terror, where Don would publish defamatory articles or opinions in the Sonoran News and Usama would punish Don’s enemies by bearing down upon them with the might of governance.
But to blame Usama entirely is an over simplification. Usama could not have done what he did without the help of others—town staff, appointees and elected officials who were willing to look the other way or actively assist Usama and Don.
As such, the true cost of the violation of rights in Cave Creek is not merely a taxpayer expense. The true cost can never be measured. Financial restitution never repays the true cost of wrongdoings in this instance. We look forward to working in concert with the Desert Foothills Chronicle (and the Carefree Truth) to tally and itemize the violations of rights protected by the Constitution promulgated under Usama and further, to include those who assisted Abujbarah to carry out and enable this misconduct.