Francia + Sorchych = Failure

A Sonoran Truth Editorial, May 22, 2014

Don Sorchych published Gerald Freeman’s defamation warning letters and his letter to the Mayor this past week in the Sonoran News, and urged Mayor Francia to defend his dismal leadership of Town affairs.

From our perspective, Freeman did not go far enough with his warning letters. Francia’s conducted the Town Council meetings not to insure citizen’s “free speech,” but as a kangaroo court in support of the Sorchych vendetta against his neighbor Freeman. Francia’s negligence was the proximate cause of Freeman’s defamation. From our view, Freeman has a cause of action against Francia.

Face it Creekers- Francia is a wimp who is addicted to the adulation of being the Town’s Mayor and everyone knows to remain Mayor in Cave Creek you have to suck up to Sorchych or get torched in the Sonoran News.

Francia opines that he believes the First Amendment is the foundation of the other rights protected by our Constitution but think about it Creekers- the Town is attempting to take Freeman’s property in violation of Freeman’s property rights- all for the good of jack asses like Terry Smith, Steve LaMar, and the cretins that follow Sorchych. Francia and Sorchych are fascists. They use the First Amendment to foster their agenda, punishing those who disagree with their hegemony and praising those who fall in line.

Francia uses the dais as a bully pulpit to promulgate an agenda set by a junta which uses the Sonoran News as its “big stick.” Get out of line, and find yourself being defamed on the front page.

This is the failure of Cave Creek. It failed so bad, Francia + Sorchych turned the Town into a whore for Wal Mart.

Fred Linn Osman questions who “owns” Cave Creek complaining about the prostitution of the Town Core, but who is responsible for this Fred? It’s Francia, Usama and Sorchych. They destroyed Cave Creek just like the Nazis destroyed Germany.





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