By the Numbers

A Sonoran Truth Editorial Opinion, January 16, 2015

We’re flattered that John Hoeppner decided to mimic our Blog by calling his Blog  John fills his blog with the usual Sorchych tripe. But maybe sonorantruth.onfo isn’t just John’s blog? The other day we got an email:

Hi Don,

I just wanted to follow up regarding your inquiry for:  from a few days ago.  [sic] Is there a good time that we can have a call to discuss your goals and see how WebiMax can assist you?

If it’s easier for you, feel free to complete our Request For Quote and we will prepare a strategy and proposal for you.

Thanks again for contacting WebiMax.  I hope that we will be able to help you acheive your online marketing goals.

Was Sorchych looking to increase advertising in the Sonoran News, or expand the copy cat presence on the web? Regardless, although John and Don want to deceive readers, our followers know the difference.

In 2014, we had 14,110 unique visitors, making 34, 837 visits. They looked at 117,824 pages and our site received 356,915 hits. Those are formidable statistics that sway elections. No wonder Sorchych and his lame sidekicks are concerned, especially since the Carefree Truth killed Don’s recall sham in Carefree. Simply put, the Truth wins out. Always.

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