What was the final assessment by the crowd? It was that the absence of Team Sorecheeks said so much more, and with far more honesty, than the words the “team” might have spoken if they had appeared in person. Each candidate was to have been seated beside their opponent. Instead, our Councilmen sat beside empty seats! Gaps of alternating empty spaces looked like a kids smile with a bunch of baby teeth missing. Large, bold name cards in front of each space made it obvious who was missing and not willing to face the crowd – OR the truth. Those empty spaces made a huge impression on the crowd and, I’ll tell you, it wasn’t a good one.
Our Councilmen did us proud responding to questions with enlightening facts, helping many understand how they’ve been mislead by a tabloid and “team” that have been putting their own “spin” on things in their attempt to control the election. The audience listened quietly and respectively, then enthusiastically applauded each response. One attendee asked questions of Esser and LaMar in absentia. So sad the two weren’t there to respond to the questions themselves. And, whose choice was that?
The absence of Team Sorcheeks only helped prove that they really have nothing to say about why they initiated this $30,000 wasteful and bitter recall. Their absence made it crystal clear that they were not going to back up their reasons for the recall. When you get right down to it, The forum did a good job of separating the men from the boys and – the Men won! Way to go, Councilmen! You sure get my votes. Boy! I guess Team Sorecheeks sure showed Team Councilmen who’s in charge! It also confirmed for us voters that absence does speak louder than words. In the end, the forum was a smashing success, as expected. Thank you, Vice-Mayor Trenk for organizing it.
Oh, and BTW – don’t forget! The Councilmen will be at the Rancho Manana forum on Feb 21, BUT don’t bother attending! It’s CLOSED to the general public.