A Sonoran Truth Editorial, September 8, 2013
Sorchych is obviously reading the Sonoran Truth based on his recent editorial. Don is restating our observations, but coming to the wrong conclusions.
Don is now threatening Francia with a recall. Sorchych wants his buddy, the Buddhist Bookie, to tow the line. Francia is nothing more than a “bobbling head” doll. Francia will bob his head whichever way the wind blows. He has no convictions. As usual, Sorchych has it ass backwards.
Francia can’t be a devoted Buddhist and lie about what is happening in Town Hall. Nor can Vince be true to the Buddha’s teachings and engage in an occupation that can cause harm to others. Vince is involved in gambling. Think about it. Does Buddhism and gambling sound congruent? No. Sorchych is incapable of understanding that being devoted to a spiritual practice means all aspects of one’s life are congruent with spiritual beliefs. Sociopaths and spiritual paths don’t mix.
If you can make sense of Don’s cartoon, let us know.
And someone please tell us how Don knows how Town employees feel, especially for the former Czar of Cave Creek—Usama Abujbarah. Employees we know hated Usama, and none of the Creekers we know think terminating Usama was vicious. It was the first step in making Cave Creek a healthy place to live again.
What’s scary is that the Sonoran Truth and the Sonoran News agree that hiring Glassman was a mistake and the Town needs better legal representation. In hindsight, Enrique Ochoa was the best candidate with Tami Ryall and Patricia Sorensen close runner ups. Hiring Glassman was a political favor promulgated his protégé, Adam Trenk. Pure and simple cronyism. We were duped into supporting the worthless idiot and the sooner the Town is rid of Glassman, the better.
As for legal representation, Town Council can dump Dickinson Wright just like they terminated Usama. Cave Creek needs a Town lawyer like Carefree. Someone who will work with the community to resolve issues instead of creating them.
Sorchych argues that the Town’s attorneys wrote an incendiary, improper, intimidating letter to Usama’s lawyer. Hmm. Sounds like the frying pan is calling the kettle black. The list of wrongful acts by Usama continues to grow causing us to question Mariscal Weeks/ Dickinson Wright’s representation of the Town. Wouldn’t Abujbarah seek advice from the Town’s attorneys before putting Esser back on the ballot? Before building a water tank on the wrong property? Before accepting land from Sorchych involved in a lawsuit?
We think Jerry Freeman got it right in his guest editorial. Freeman claims that Usama violated Freeman’s property rights to appease Sorchych. How many other times did Usama trample on the rights of other citizens to avoid the poison pen of Sorecheeks?