We started The Sonoran Truth in 2012 to expose corruption in Cave Creek. Democracy requires an informed citizenry, and transparency in all government affairs. Instead, Cave Creek is ruled as a dictatorship where Francia, Usama and Sorchych conspire (along with some ill-advised sycophants and a devious law firm) to manipulate information (i.e. propaganda) to further their agenda. In the process, they broke the law.
Sorchych for his part, has excoriated, denigrated and smeared countless Creekers who wanted nothing more than quiet use and enjoyment of their land or business. Sorchych never follows the canons of journalism and we are not the only ones who feel this way. Read what the Carefree Truth has to say: http://www.carefreetruth.com/Carefree_Truth/HHitchon.html.
Our blog was instant success with thousands of hits. While many wonder who we are and why we publish anonymously, our identity is not as important as our ideas. We provide an outlet for our community to tell the truth without manipulation so that Cave Creek can return to being a vibrant community. If you know of corruption or have been denigrated and disparaged by Don and wish to rebut a story or editorial in the Sonoran News, send your comments and opinions to editors@sonorantruth.org.
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